Thursday, April 5, 2012

Response to Prompt #5 Paragraph

Sorry it's a little late my Internet was funky earlier. William Wordsworth's poems do not usuallt ryhme. They are also almost unvariably describing nature. The particular poem mine imitates describes the moon. I took that poem, and using a similiar style made a poem about the sun. Wordsworth's poems usually delve into a more mystical and deeper part of nature, past the surface and into the mind and more powerful imagery. All of his poems convay a strong sense of nature's beaaty. Wordsworth has a vivid imagination often comparing differetn aspects of naure to people's lioves and vice versa. I'm not sure about all of his peoms but in "A Night-Piece" the main character is a lowly travler, not some rich person, who gets to experince the beauty and calm of the Moon surrounded by clouds. The moon is often an important character in many myths and legends, such as Sister Moon in Native American(I think) and Artemis/Diana who appears in Greek/Roman mythology symbolized as the moon-both examples of the moon having a strong, wise prescene.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. the poem and the paragraph were running together so I spereated them into differetn posts
